

Oh my… he’s two. I have a two year old. I can hardly believe it. We were able to spend his actual date of birth as a family – it was simple and wonderful. We offered my son cupcakes and he in his perfect way they quickly ended up on the floor. He is not a fan of cake but we thought we would give it a try any way. So as a family we enjoyed Dum-Dum Lollipops.

The weekend after his birthday we had a wonderful, small party. He was looking oh so dapper and completely understood how to open gifts. Additionally we enjoyed ice cream cones; candle included. It was a special time for my husband and I. We were able to observe our son interacting with all of our family. He made them smile and laugh – pure happiness. It is absolutely amazing to me how a child can influence a group of adults.

Sports Fan

Our son is incredible in so many ways, not the least being his ability to sit in the stands at a sporting event cheering on his home team. We have season tickets to the Seattle Sounders soccer games and we take him to all the games that we can – we recently took him to a Mariner game and he was happy to take in the game on a beautiful summer day and eat his red rope!

Baby Shower

Baby showers are so much fun – the celebration of a life about to the enter the world. I was very fortunate to join in celebration for one of my all time favorite people. She was kind enough to allow me to snap some photos of the occasion. Taking pictures at the shower was so much fun. Lindy  you are such a loved person and the kind words of affirmation and encouragement shared at the shower were so fitting. Thank you for allowing me to be part of it. Looking forward to meeting the little one soon! Enjoy the images.

The Happy Grandma…

My favorite stuffed animal of the shower. If only real Zebras were this cute and cuddly. 

Inaugural Game

March 19th 2009 – What a day! The Seattle Sounders FC won the inaugural game against the NY Red Bulls. My husband and I are huge soccer fans who grew up playing this beautiful game. It was so thrilling to be at the game sharing our favorite sport with our son. For those of you who either love soccer or are even a little curious I strongly encourage you to attend a game. It truly is a spectacle to see. The skill it takes to control a soccer ball with precision cannot be measured. And with a personal bias, I urge you to go just to watch Kasey Keller in goal. He is arguably one of the best with 100 games in goal for the US National Team holding the record for most wins and shutouts. Of course my camera came with me to the game – enjoy the images. Go Sounders!

The pitch




Cheering on his home team!

Me and my soccer fan

A fan raising his scarf proudly

This is what my husband and I would imagine a serious European soccer fan to look like – his eyes never left the pitch. 

Season ticket scarves