
My Family

I had to share this… it’s my family the way I see us when I close my eyes. Simple and happy. They motivate me to be a better person each and every day. I love, love, love them!

Henry Family // Kirkland waterfront

I had the pleasure and privilege of taking photos of miss Ruby shortly after she was born. Three months have quickly passed each day with them growing as a tight knit family. So again I felt lucky to be able to share time with them as the holiday season in the northwest begins. We enjoyed a cold but dry morning at the Kirkland waterfront and happily ended our time together enjoying a warm cup of coffee. Thanks guys – best wishes this first holiday season with Ruby!


Five years of love

I have known Jeanette and Matt since college and my husband and I consider these two some of the most quality people we know. They are generous, supportive, adventurous, and pretty much cooler than most. As their 5 year anniversary was coming up they asked me to take pictures to commemorate the event. I thought it was a great idea and I wished that I would’ve thought of it for myself! Thanks for asking me to take pictures guys… It was an honor. Keep laughing with each other!

Time for Family Pictures

It’s crazy how quickly the wonderful Seattle summer flew by and has now turned into fall. This is the perfect time to get the family together for pictures to commemorate the season for your family and loved ones. Prints or a photo-book can be the perfect present! Contact me to book a family photo session. Enjoy the fall!

Family photo fun

Following up on the previous post these guys = so much fun! What a great family… and friends for that matter. The Roberts family was in town and asked me to join them for an evening to take family photos. It was such a beautiful evening. Laid back and easy going is this family. Oh, and they LOVE their little girl. Can you blame them? She puts the ‘aahhh’ in adorable.

Not only did I take pictures of these three; after a while the extended family joined us at the park for some fun! Enjoy the photos. Thanks guys for letting me hang out for an evening.

preview of evening family session

This little one… melt your heart cute!

Samppala Family // Marymoore Park

Such fun, this family was such fun. I will admit that the littlest one took a little while to warm up to me but by the end I think she felt that my presence was tolerable. :) We met up at Marymoore Park in Redmond which is a great place. There is something for everyone – dog park, playgrounds, soccer & baseball fields, bike trails, and on and on.

I’ve know Jill since college so I was really excited when she asked if I would take pictures of her family. A good time was had and it is evident that as a family they enjoy one another. Thanks for a great time at the park… enjoy!



I asked that this next picture be part of a sweet Christmas card…

WARNING: Cuteness is about to hit you



A good time was being had, I must be hilarious — please see laughter below for proof!



Hillsboro OR – Family Photos

Where to begin…? Erin has known me since my awkward teenage/high school years as I am good friends with her sister. But not until recently did we have much more in common than that. Within weeks of each other both of us were blessed to have premature baby boys. My son was six weeks early and If memory serves me, within two weeks of my son being born her baby boy was born ten weeks early. The four week difference between six and ten weeks is HUGE. Needless to say, over this little guy’s first year he has shown strength, tenacity and an incredible fiesty spirit as he has been in and out of the hospital. I have been able to follow their story over the last year via friends and their family blog. So when Erin and I were able to set up a time for family pictures I was so excited to see them and this little man which I have heard so much about.

This family just gets better – in addition to their amazing son they have an adorable little girl. This little girl is too cute – I basically did my best to keep up with her as she ran around the park. It was obvious that  through the hard times they have endured as a family they have a closeness and a joy for life and each other which I was privileged to see. I had so much fun. Thank you for letting me share some time with the family – enjoy the images!



Family photos in Edmonds

I met up with some college friends on Saturday for  a small family photo session. While they told me their daughter was not in her normal happy mood it was still a great time and good pictures. I know that they were worried that there weren’t going to be good pictures – but have no fear guys!

A girl has got to have her animal crackers

They were doing all they could to get their little one to smile. Got to love shots of the parents doing there best… 

The shot below is by far one of my favorites. Such personality coming through. Leading the family through the park. 

A little love for Daddy… 

Hiking up the britches and heading home… Thanks guys. Had a fantastic time.

Sunny & Cold at Alki Park

It was a little foggy, sunny, and a lot cold! A previous WaMu co-worker and her family ventured over from the eastside to head to West Seattle. All were bundled up for some pictures at Alki elementary School. The youngest was a little upset that he was braving the outside elements but he toughed it through for some good shots. 


Being adventurous, they found a sweet old tree to climb into. 



A good way to start the day… heard that they enjoyed a good meal at the Alki Cafe after our visit.Â